National Conference

                    "Natural Sciences 2023” (NCNS2023)


Transliteration Rules


The transliteration from the Cyrillic script into the Latin alphabet is the process of character replacement as follows

А = А, Б = В, В = V, Г = G, Д = D, Е = Е, Ж = ZH, 3 = Z, И = I, Й = Y, К = К, Л = L, М = М, Н = N, О = О, П = Р, Р = R, С = S, Т = Т, У = U, Ф = F, Х = КН, Ц = TSH, Ч = СН, Ш = SH, Щ = SHT, Ъ = U, ЬО = YO, Ю = YU, Я = YA, Э = Е, Ы = Y



Georgiev, R., Baiev, В., Baleva, D., Gadancheva, V.,

Zonev, К., Ikonomov, V. Osteopoikilosis, Review and

Contribution with Two Cases, Rentgenologiya i Radiologiya

2007, 46, 261-265